The following were the conclusions from an independent study conducted in 1998 and reported by United Caprine News:

• The test was Ivermectin vs. Hoegger’s Herbal Wormer

• Testing involved 29 goats divided into 2 groups including milkers, wethers, dry does and bucks.

• The types of parasites that were being observed were:

  • Strongyloides papillosus – A small slender roundworm which enters through the skin and teat openings. Larva climb up through the skin between the hooves. This is a parasite of the small intestine.

  • Dictyocaulus (lung worms) – Eaten as larva, which burrow through the mucosa and migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs where they develop into adults in the bronchi. Adults lay eggs that are coughed up, swallowed and passed with feces.

  • Manezia (tapeworms) – Pass egg packets which may appear round, square or triangular. Tapeworms attach themselves with hooks to the internal wall of the intestines and absorb nutrients from the animal.

“Overall, the herbal group always had lower parasite numbers.”

Strongyloides (thread worms) and Muellerius (tapeworms) were found in 0% of the herbal test group but 29% to 33% in the chemical group.

Lung worms were found in 33% of the herbal group and 50% of the chemical group.

Tapeworms were found in 0% of the herbal group and in 21% of the chemical group. This is a significant difference. The herbal wormer offers good control.


Herbal Wormer FAQs

– What’s in the wormer? The ingredients as listed on the label are wormwood herb, fennel seed, gentian root, psyllium seed and quassia. This is the original blend, formulated seventy years ago by the founder of Hoegger Supply, Joe Hoegger. We still hold the documents with the official seals of the registered herbalist with whom Mr. Hoegger originally collaborated.

– Is it safe for pregnant does?  When administered as directed on the label, the wormer is safe for pregnant does.  In fact, pregnancy is very important time to be maintaining an effective deworming program.

– Is there a withdrawal period?  Simply put, no. There is no withdrawal period for milk or meat.

– How do I feed it? It can be top dressed on the grain ration.

– How much do I feed?  1.5 teaspoons per head.

– How often do I feed it?  When beginning the program, the recommended dosage for each goat is twice a day for three consecutive days.  After that, just once a week.

– Does it kill worms present or just prevent them?  In our experience, start the program with the administration of twice a day for three days, followed by just once a week. This helps to take care of present worms and prevent further problems.

– What kinds of worms does it work on?  Chemical dewormers are designed to be effective against specific kinds of worms and should only be used if your goats have a worm infestation.  The herbal wormer creates an environment that no type of worm wants to live in.

– Does it kill barberpole?  Although chemical wormers such as Valbazen and Cydectin are often used against barberpole worms, we feel the herbal wormer is a better choice for creating an environment that no type of worm wants to live in.

The above is for information only, not meant for the treatment of health conditions and has not been approved by the FDA. Consult your own veterinarian.